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Life Coaching

Life coaching takes a look at your life as a whole – work, health, leisure time and personal relationships and helps you to reconnect with who you really are and what really matters to you. This helps you to get clarity on what you REALLY want and what's standing in your way from getting it. 

I will help you set some achievable goals and work out a plan based on your own personal values. I will work with you whilst you work on achieving your goals, helping you to overcome any hurdles.

Working towards the goals you’ve set will help you to spiral upwards to the place you want to be in life.










Leadership coaching

Leaders of today get mixed messages. You are told to ‘lead from the front’ and be visionary. In the same breath, you are told you need to be empowering, supportive and inspiring. 

We’ve led teams and advised many CEOs and executives and we understand first hand how hard is to be a leader of today and how to remain relevant in any particular industry or sector. Anthony recently examined leadership models and current research in this field through the Executive Masters in Business Administration at Cass Business School. We run leadership & authenticity workshops. Sign up below if you would like to receive information about our future events. 

Leadership is essentially a two-way conversation. We can help you develop your leadership qualities.



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Being in charge of your working life

The world of work is changing, which is happening at accelerating speed. Everything that was once established and certain is being disrupted. The one career for life is fading, being replaced by several jobs on the go.

Our emotional connection to work and our place in the work are shifting. It’s not surprising as we go through this unprecedented and complex change, we can become anxious, uncertain, overworked, disillusioned and stuck in a rut. As entrepreneurs having built several start-ups and previously worked as in-house & agency consultants managing teams of 20+ we know what leads to success and the pitfalls we’ve overcome.

We can give you the right tools to succeed.


What do our clients have to say?

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Workshops & events 

We organise workshops, tailored to organisations, groups, teams and individuals, on topics and subjects matters that we are most passionate about. We pull together a great line-up of speakers from the world of human rights, academia, business, charities and beyond to create a positive impact. Some of the workshops we developed -

Storytelling as a personal brand

To enhance some fundamental skills in the workplace as a manager or a leader, you can learn from the arts of storytelling, listening and empathy. This will improve your work and how you work with others.

Sign up at the bottom of this page if you would like to receive information about our future events.
